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Dried Cypress Cones for Altar Work

- Origin: From the revered Tree of Death

- Gender: Feminine

- Planet: Saturn

- Element: Earth

- Deities: Mithras, Pluto, Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Artemis, Apollo, Cupid, Jupiter, Hekate, Hebe, Zoroaster, Underworld connections

- Powers: Longevity, Healing, Comfort, Protection, Spirit communication, Ancestral connections

Ritual Uses:

- Revered by ancient Minoans as a divine symbol, the cypress cult spread from Crete to Cyprus.

- In Egypt, cypress wood crafted coffins for the departed.

Magical Uses:

- Offers solace during crises, especially loss, when worn or carried to funerals.

- Planting near the home brings blessings and safeguards; boughs used in protective rituals.

- Symbolizes eternity; believed to extend life when carried.

Healing Properties

- Root and cones, along with dried greenery burned in incense, possess healing qualities.

- For luck and love in the afterlife, throw a cypress sprig into a grave.

Package Contents:

- Each package contains 8 Cypress cones.

Cypress cones

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